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“Mr. Roboto” — Robert Paske

16 May




Time to meet someone in my comedy friends network:



Meet Robert Paske; he’s from Minnesota–like me. Unlike me, he moved to Japan to teach English; you can always tell when you meet one of Robert’s students; they speak English with a Scandinavian accent.

“Excuse me Mr. Restaurant-Server-San… could you please tell me if you have lutefisk on the menu? Uff da.”


This picture on the left is a good representation of Robert on a typical weekday.







…this picture on the right is Robert on a typical weekend.  Right about now you should be picking up on the fact that Robert enjoys fantasy stories–especially Star Wars.

In fact, Star Wars sort of brought our friendship together.  As we chatted about on the radio show (listen below), Robert and I did a nighttime lightsaber battle for the Duluth, Minnesota traffic, all heading home after a long weary day of shoveling taconite pellets at the ship yards.

Robert’s students call him “Mr. Roboto” — hear why below.  He moved on from teaching and currently works at the Japan-based Kotobukiya, which specializes in high-quality figurines and action figures made for Marvel, DC, and Star Wars–pretty stinking cool!

As we discussed in the radio show (listen below), Robert has acted as a model for different features of some of the figurines.  For example, he was a photo model for Superman.


He was the photo model for Darth Vader.


He also, strangely enough, modeled for this famous character.


I can totally see it.

Robert loves costumes; and if you love costumes, Japan is a wonderful place to do cosplay–costumed roleplaying.


Robert is the Frankenstein on the left .  Pretty amazing makeup, huh? To top it all off, Robert teaches lightsaber fighting in Japan.  Do you get the impression this man enjoys what he does?


Robert Paske is passionate about fantasy.  You can connect with him here.  Want to join my comedy friends network? Here are my links for Twitter, and Facebook.

Listen to conversation on the Daren Streblow Comedy Show below.